Legal Notice
Philip Tovote
Defense Circuits Lab
c/o Institute of Clinical Neurobiology
97078 Wuerzburg
Phone: +49 931 201 44052
email: tovote_p@ukw.de
The website of the Defense Circuits Lab includes information made available by cross references (‘links’) to other sites, which are marked, e.g. as follows: https://www.ukw.de/startseite/.
With the cross reference, Defense Circuits Lab only provides access to this content (Section 9 Telemediengesetz (Telemedia Act)). The Defense Circuits Lab is not responsible for these ‘foreign’ contents as it does not initiate the transmission of the information, select the receiver of the transmission or select or modify the information contained in the transmission.
Due to the call-up and link method used, there is no automatic, intermediate or transient storage of this ‘foreign information’ by Defense Circuits Lab. Thus, Defense Circuits Lab assumes no liability for these external contents.
When a link to such internet content is created for the first time, however, Defense Circuits Lab does verify whether that foreign content may result in possible civil or criminal legal liability.
Photo Credits
Links to photo archives used:
Philip Tovote